Discover the herbs that have magical properties ! So, let’s talk magickal herbs! Whether you think of them as mysterious plants that grow in the forest or the row of little bottles in your kitchen cabinet, they’re pretty useful – and they can be pretty confusing, even intimidating !

In the magical and spiritual world, however, the term “herb” is used as a catchall for bits of trees, flowers, spices, and all sorts of plants. Herbs thus form a huge portion of the green witch’s practice. Following the herbs, you’ll find some miscellaneous greens that are also useful (though often overlooked). The following list comprises some aromatic, culinary and magical plants and herbs.

Which one is your favorite ?

Herb General Magical Uses
Basil Fosters loving vibrations, protection, wards off negativity in a home
Bay Leaf Protection, purification, healing, strength, good fortune, money and success
Chamomile Brings love, healing, relieves stressful situations
Cinnamon Love, luck, prosperity, success, raises spiritual vibrations
Dandelion Divination, interaction with the spirit world, wishes
Elecampane Protection, luck, dispels negative vibration, plant spirit communication
Hibiscus Divination, dreams, love and lust
Lavender Love, peace, restful sleep, clairvoyance, happiness, healing, money, passion, protection, relief from grief, longevity, meditation
Mugwort Psychic powers, protection, increases lust and fertility *Do not ingest, and do not even handle if pregnant*
Nutmeg Money, prosperity, good luck, protection
Rosemary Love and lust, promotes healthy rest